Creating a Brighter Future
Serving Our Kids and Community
Mommy & Me Childcare holds 3 STAR RATING provided by YoungStar.
Mommy & Me Childcare holds 3 STAR RATING provided by YoungStar.
3 ​STAR Rating indicates that Childcare Meets Proficient Levels of Standards in Childcare Services
3 ​STAR Rating indicates that Childcare Meets Proficient Levels of Standards in Childcare Services
About Our Childcare
​After 14+ years of experience MOMMY & ME CHILDCARE Director wanted to blend her childcare experience and public-school teaching experience at MOMMY & ME CHILDCARE by providing students with a rich and diverse learning environment. Our unparalleled teaching methods with a curriculum that emphasizes hands on teaching and learning help to launch students into the successful future they have always dreamed of. Teaching is lot of play but with lots and lots of learning.
Our teaching staff, provides one on one attention to every school agers in accomplishing their daily homework and reading. The staff’s goal is to not just finish the homework but enhance their skill level while working with them so that at home kids can spend more time on other creative activities.
MOMMY & ME CHILDCARE is located in Mequon, WI with spacious outdoor play area and a renowned staff for one on one attention. We encourage both staff and students alike to grow, learn and create each passing day.